Thursday 16 October 2008

Chinese Party at Wednesday Kid's Club

The past five weeks we studied Hudson Taylor, missionary to China. To conclude the lessons, we had a Chinese Party. Ethel was the mastermind behind this exciting evening. Many of the children dressed in Chinese clothes or brought something made in China. (Ethel let me borrow one of her tops.) We started the evening with chicken fried rice and prawn crackers (from the best Chinese takeaway in Northern Ireland!) We then had slices of Chinese mango pudding, which was more like jelly/jello. Ethel split the kids into two teams and they took a quiz to see how much they remembered about our story. Following the quiz there was a chopstick competition, and each child took home the sweets that they successfully got into their bowls. At this point the adults were finished with their service. The children did their worksheets and ate moon cakes and Chinese wafer cookies. The adults finished off the fried rice, tried Chinese tea, and helped with the moon cakes and cookies. It was an enjoyable evening for all. We desire that it helped the children to understand that the Lord made and loves all people no matter their nationality or customs.

Wednesday 8 October 2008


On Monday morning my friend Sandra had her fifth child, a beautiful boy named Jordan. The Lord has blessed me with Sandra's friendship, and I am so thankful for the way that He works and the people that He leads into our lives.