Doug, Ginny and Monica
Ginny and Monica
The Fox girls
Allen, Chyrl, Monica and Mark
Mark and Lydia
While in the States, we were able to go to North Carolina for fours days. My best friend from college picked us up at Charlotte airport, and we were able to spend several hours while she and her husband showed us their 'home' territory. Doug and Ginny were in Northern Ireland for our wedding, but needless to say, we were not really able to spend much time together. It was wonderful to catch up. Ginny has been a great support in the 25 years that we have been friends. They then drove us to Taylorsville to spend several days with Allen and Chyrl Fox and their family.They were at Bethel when Mark first started attending and have been a tremendous help to him in his Christian growth. It was wonderful to spend time with them and to get to know them better, after having heard so much about them through the years. Lydia asked Mark to preach at her homeschool graduation. Mark did an excellent job preaching at the first HIGHSCHOOL graduation that he had ever attended!
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